Kathmandu-Mount Kailash Overland Tour, 15 Tage (Privat-Tour)
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Kathmandu-Mount Kailash Overland Tour, 15 Tage (Privat-Tour)

Tage: 15 / Schwierigkeit: 4 of 5 (Anstregend)
Min Personen: 4 / Max Personen: 8

Die Kathmandu-Mount Kailash Overland Tour ist eine außergewöhnliche Reise, die Reisende auf eine faszinierende Expedition von der geschäftigen Stadt Kathmandu in Nepal zum heiligen und ehrfurchtgebietenden Mount Kailash in Tibet führt. Dieses bemerkenswerte Abenteuer umfasst vielfältige Landschaften, alte Kulturen und eine tiefe spirituelle Bedeutung.

Die Tour beginnt in Kathmandu, wo die Teilnehmer die pulsierende Kultur, die historischen Stätten und die geschäftigen Märkte der nepalesischen Hauptstadt erkunden. Im weiteren Verlauf der Reise begeben sich die Reisenden auf eine landschaftlich reizvolle Überlandfahrt, die sie durch malerische Täler, abgelegene Dörfer und atemberaubende Gebirgsketten führt, die atemberaubende Ausblicke auf den Himalaya bieten.

Beim Erreichen des Mount Kailash, dem Mittelpunkt der Pilgerreise, tauchen die Besucher in eine Atmosphäre tiefer Spiritualität und Ehrfurcht ein. Der Berg Kailash wird von Hindus, Buddhisten, Jainas und Anhängern der Bön-Religion als heiliger Gipfel betrachtet und hat als Ort der spirituellen Reinigung und Erleuchtung eine immense Bedeutung. Die Umrundung des heiligen Berges, die als Kailash Parikrama bekannt ist, ist ein geschätztes Ritual, das Pilger aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt auf der Suche nach Segen und innerem Frieden zusammenführt.

Während der Reise haben die Reisenden die Möglichkeit, mit den örtlichen Gemeinschaften in Kontakt zu treten und Einblicke in deren einzigartige Bräuche, Traditionen und Lebensweise zu gewinnen. Die Reise wird von erfahrenen tibetischen Reiseleitern begleitet, die für eine sichere und aufschlussreiche Erfahrung sorgen und eine außergewöhnliche Mischung aus Abenteuer und spiritueller Erkundung bieten.

Die Kathmandu-Mount Kailash Overland Tour ist eine unvergessliche Expedition, die den Teilnehmern ein tiefes Gefühl des Staunens, der spirituellen Verbundenheit und eine tiefere Wertschätzung für die natürliche Schönheit und den kulturellen Reichtum der Himalaya-Region vermittelt.

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Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu 1338m

Upon arrival in Kathmandu, our company representative will welcome you at the airport. Then you will be transferred to the hotel in our company van. 
Accommodation: 4 Star Hotel
Meal: N/A

Day 02: Full Day Guided Sightseeing Tour in Kathmandu Valley by private van
Today you will visit some of the popular sites of Kathmandu valley like the Hindu temple of Pashupatinath and the Buddhist shrines of Boudhanath and Swayambhunath. Your tour guide will give you a brief introduction about all of these places. You can also take the recommendation from the guide and try the local food. 
Accommodation: 4 Star Hotel
Meal: Breakfast

Day 03: Full Day Guided Sightseeing Tour in Bhaktapur and Patan Durbar square by private van 
Today you will be visiting the ancient durbar squares of Bhaktapur and Patan. These world heritage sites consist of several Hindu temples, museums, and excellent examples of the ancient craftsmanship which you can observe on the wooden structures. After a full day of sightseeing tour, our company van will take you back to the hotel for your overnight stay. 
Accommodation: 4 Star Hotel
Meal: Breakfast

Day 04: Guided Day Hiking to Champa Devi
Day Hike to Champa Devi Hill, situated south of Kathmandu, is a serene and spiritually significant hiking spot. The trail leads you through terraced fields, charming villages, and verdant forests. Upon reaching the summit, you'll be greeted by breathtaking vistas of the Himalayas, as well as an awe-inspiring view of Kathmandu Valley.
Accommodation: 4 Star Hotel
Meal: Breakfast

Day 05: Guided Day Hiking to Shivapuri Peak
Day Hike to Shivapuri Peak, located within Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park, is a captivating hiking destination for nature enthusiasts. The trail winds through lush forests and meandering streams, providing glimpses of diverse flora and fauna. At the peak, you'll be rewarded with magnificent views of the surrounding hills and the Kathmandu Valley.
Accommodation: 4 Star Hotel
Meal: Breakfast

Day 06: Kathmandu – Rasuwagadhi Border Cross– Kyirong Drive (2800m/210km/8hrs)
Today the journey starts for Kailash starting in the morning after breakfast in the hotel, as we need get immigration formalities on time at the border and also we have a bit rough and tough way to get border on the hillside driving in Nepal side. Once we reached at the border our representative will help to pass through immigration both Nepal and China side. Then further further 60km drive to Kyirong will be commenced.
Accommodation: Hotel (Twin Bed Sharing)
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Day 07: In Kyirong - Rest Day for Acclimatization
Today we have one full day at Kyirong valley, We will visit Milarepa cave near by the town and we will stay one more day here for acclimatization to adjust your body to the elevation for comfortable journey toward Kailash.
Accommodation: Hotel (Twin Bed Sharing)
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Day 08: Kyirong to Paryang Drive (4400m/340km/7hrs)
Today we will drive to Paryang crossing Saga town, We have an option whether we stay at Saga which is 110km from Kyirong or we drive further for 340km to Paryang. It is the best option to drive to Paryang as we could be on time next day at Manasarover around mid day.
Accommodation: Hotel or Guest-house (Twin Bed Sharing)
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Day 09: Paryang to Manasarover Drive (4600m/210km/6hrs)
Today we will drive to Mansarover crossing Mayumla pass. And today we have enough time to have Haven and Holy deep at the Lake etc.
Accommodation: Guest-house (4 Beds Dormitory)
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Day 10: Manasarover Circumambulation by Jeep 3 hrs / Drive to Darchen (4700m/90km/1hr)
Morning we will visit Chiu monastery overlooking Mansarover. It is good place to have full view of entire Mansarover Lake too. Day time you be taken for Mansarover parikrama which is 90km. The road is not paved but it is comfortable on the plateau. The Mansarover parikrama gives you a different kind of Kailash faces views. And evening we will drive to Darchen food of Kailash for the night stay.
Accommodation: 4* Hotel (Twin Bed Sharing)
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Day 11: Kailash Circumambulation Starts: Drive to Tarboche (12km) then Trek to Diraphuk (4800m/12km/7hrs)
After breakfast today journey start from Darchen to start Kailash trek, We first drive around 12km to Tarboche, And then from Tarboche the walking on foot starts for 12 km toward Diraphuk. From Diraphuk the Kailash back face will be visible as a face to face.
Accommodation: Guest-house (4 Beds Dormitory)
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Day 12: Kailash Circumambulation: Trek over Dolma La Pass (5600m) to Dzutulphuk (4700m/23km/9hrs)
Early morning trek uphill Dolmala Pass. It takes about 4 to 5 hours. After reaching top of the pass 5600 m then trek down to the valley floor. It takes another 4 to 5 hours. After cross Dolmala when you move down you see Gauri Kunda. This day is the longest and toughest day of Parikarma. So be prepared in mind accordingly.
Accommodation: Guest-house (4 Beds Dormitory)
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 13: Kailash Circumambulation Ends: Trek Ends to Mani Wall, Drive to Saga (4400m/9hrs)
After 2.5 hrs trekking from Dzutulphuk, our vehicle will meet at Mani wall then we will drive to Darchen. After lunch, we will drive to Saga. 
Accommodation: 3* Hotel (Twin Bed Sharing)
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Day 14: Saga – Kyirong – Rasuwagadi border cross – Kathmandu (1300m/9hrs)
Today all the way back to Kyirong the drive toward Kyirong border after that we will clear immigration and drive to Syabrubesi. Where we will have lunch and after Lunch we will drive toward Kathmandu and transfer to your own booking hotel in Kathmandu.
Accommodation: 4 Star Hotel
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch

Day 15: Departure from Kathmandu 
Today you have free time until your airport reporting time, you could have shopping around Thamel or walk around city or visit somewhere. After that you will be dropped off to airport to connect your flight back to Home or next destination. 
Accommodation: N/A
Meal: Breakfast

Trip Cost: (Private and Group Joining Trip)
2 Persons Group Size Basis: USD 3585 Per Person
3-4 Persons Group Size Basis: USD 2975 Per Person
5-7 Persons Group Size Basis: USD 2745 Per Person
Single Supplement: USD 630

Note: The package can be redesigned or redeveloped as per your taste. For more information please e-mail us at snftnepal@yahoo.de

Important: In case of emergency during the trip, Helicopter will be arranged by Swiss Family Treks & Expedition GmbH. The charges must be paid by the clients themselves.

Preis ab/Erwachsener Status *
USD 2,745
EUR 2.559
SFr 2.540
GBP 2.141
AUD 4.090
CAD 3.651
Tour ist verfügbar
* Dates can be flexible, please contact us for individual dates.

Our Tour Package Cost includes:
* Airport / Hotel / Airport pick up & transfer by private vehicle.
* 6 nights deluxe single/double/twin bed sharing accommodation with breakfast at 4 star hotel Kathmandu Guest House in Kathmandu.
* Kathmandu city tour or hiking as per the above itinerary and all entrance fees.
* Kathmandu – Rasuwagadi – Kathmandu land transport by Jeep in Nepal side.
* TIMS and Langtang national park permit.
* Kitchen crews and Nepalese guide.
* Border clearance fees and porterage charge.
* Local English Speaking Tibetan Guide.
* All 3* hotel and local guest-house stays in Tibet.
* Full board food during in Tibet.
* All monasteries and local entrance fees.
* Yak and Yak man during Kailash trek.
* Oxygen, Gamow bag and first aid kit for altitude problem.
* All land transportation by Van or Bus or Jeep as per group size in Nepal and Tibet.
* Tibet Travel Permit and Tibet Group Visa Fees. 
* Government Tax.
* Agency Service charge.

Our Tour Package Cost doesn't include:
* Any meals (Lunch and Dinner) in Kathmandu other than breakfast.
* Photographic charges in the monasteries.
* Travel insurance.
* International air fare to and from Nepal.
* Nepal Tourist Visa fees and Nepal re-entry Visa.
* Emergency Evacuation (Helicopter Rescue).
* Any costs which arise due to a change of the itinerary, because of landslides, political disturbance, and strikes etc.
* Any other costs whatsoever, that is not mentioned in the cost included.
* Items and expenses of personal nature.
* Any kind of alcoholic drinks, cold drinks, snacks, laundry, phone call, internet.
* Personal Trekking Equipment.
* Tips for guide, porters, driver...

                                                Tipping is expected but it is not mandatory.

Kathmandu-Mount Kailash Overland Tour, 15 Tage (Privat-Tour)


* Ihre persönlichen Daten werden streng vertraulich behandelt und niemals an Dritte weitergegeben.

Swiss Family Treks & Expedition GmbH, Switzerland
Swiss Himalayan Family Treks & Expedition P. Ltd

Ganeshtan-6, Pharping Kathmandu, Nepal

Telefon +977 4710390
Mobil +977 9803200543 Stephan
Mobil +977 9849193453 Ashta
Email snftnepal@yahoo.de